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“There is a crack in everything.

That's how the light gets in.” 

― Leonard Cohen

The quote above says it all. The play of light and shadows has been the most fascinating and the main idea behind setting up of B A S I C S  Studio.

We at B A S I C S  Studio are a team of young design enthusiasts with expertise at different aspects and a mutual inclination towards sustainability, materials that are environmentally safe, and creating an experience with our design rather than flooding an empty space with various materials and forms.

We focus on taking inspiration from the past i.e. practicality, building for the present i.e. the context, surrounding, and client requirements, and sustaining into the future which states, use of sustainable building materials so that a building can breathe reducing the carbon footprint.

Our Clients can expect us to be their dream makers as we work diligently keeping ourselves at the user end and fruiting out a pleasing and long-lasting product.

i-Gen top 50 under 40 designers by architects and interiors, India. 

Publications and features

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